RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – December 22, 2017

Additional unforeseen circumstances were recently discovered by the Alliance. No further information could be given about this.

Certain connected humanitarians were invited to exchange and have successfully exchanged at HSBC in Zurich this past week. This was all done under the permission and supervision of those in charge of the Global Collateral Accounts.

Trump ordered the redoing of the seal for the National Credit Union reverting the seal back to gold thus symbolically disclosing the transition to a gold-standard (USN).

The USN is still scheduled to be announced after the RV.

Trump did not sign the tax bill yesterday. He is expected to sign it today.

Sources are currently claiming the RV will be released once the tax bill is signed.

There will be no 80/20 split. There will be no taxation’s.

The Alliance’s intention to release the RV before Christmas is still on the table.

The quantum website is ready to come online at any moment with a flick of a switch.

