X22 Report: Fear Meter off the Chart, Sky is Falling


Published on Aug 13, 2019

The fear meter is now off the charts, the EU is in full panic mode pushing doomsday. Boris Johnson is combatting this by telling the people that everything is going to be ok, they time to prepare for the no-deal BREXIT. Trump administration signaled that they are ready to deal with the UK on free trade once the BREXIT is final.


Published on Aug 13, 2019

CEO of Overstock reportedly gave documents to the DOJ/FBI on Clinton and Russia. Cuomo goes off the deep end when someone calls him Fredo. JE case is filled with holes, nothing makes any sense, the FBI/NYPD are now on Epstein Island. Trump tweets out a message about the skyfalling. The harvest is ready, FISA works both way, there is no escape, planned from the beginning.