
One of the fundamental ways that the planet has been controlled by Archonic factions is through the use of scalar wave or HAARP facilities.

HAARP facilities can be found in their public places as well as at the poles.

These facilities give off a substance at key times when Archonic or negative factions such as the Dracos need to pull off an operation. A perfect example would be in the aftermath of 9/11.

This substance is basically dark matter and causes human-beings to make weird, irrational decisions because it erodes the etheric-brains capacity to think.

One of the fundamental secrets of certain black magick factions is that they do rituals to scalar waves. They will often wear black cloaks to symbolize the protective wear that various off-planet factions use to operate on the surface of planets that have been scalar-waved.

Off-planet factions use protective suits so that they don’t get dissociated out while carrying out operations on the surface of the planet or in open space that has been contaminated by scalar waves. Being dissociated out while in scalar-wave space can lead to them being genetically altered in deep underground military bases and being trapped for the duration of a cycle on an archon-controlled planet.

The giant deception used by the masters of the Illuminati is that they don’t actually worship scalar-waves but bait their subordinates into worshiping scalar-waves so that they can easily control them.

These facilities are the base layer of the Veil and still exist on the surface of this planet.

There is a counter-substance that can be used to lift the presence of scalar-waves.
