The Grandmothers: These Are Great Times

We are watching you as you struggle to find safe harbor in the world around you as storms and disappointments rage everywhere. Nations are quaking now, the land under your feet is quaking, hallowed institutions are falling and it’s difficult to find steady ground. We understand what it’s like for you at this time and so we have come to uphold you.

“What is taking place in your world is not a terrible mistake. The present upheaval in society must occur. And no good will come from blaming others for the ills you see around you–for which of you is blameless?

“What you are witnessing isThe Great Shift that was foretold long, long ago. It is here now and you have a part to play in it. Whenever you link with us or with any form of the Divine you love, you are able to hold steady, even while everything about you is collapsing. At this point in time it is impossible to find stability in the outer world, so don’t waste your time looking for it.

“Do not respond to this world-wide upheaval by falling into despair and hiding yourself away, but instead gather with those who, like you, are also seeking the highest good. Call on us, hold to the Net of Light, and come together to study our books and messages. You will find what you need.

“You are supposed to be here on earth. You took birth at this time in history because you wanted to be part of this great change. So quiet your heart now as you turn within to the presence that has never left you and never will. Hold to this inner place of silence and from here we will guide you.

The Great Council of the Grandmothers.

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