By: Mr.Ed

INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Secret Battle Against the Cabal” 11/2/17
Subject: “Secret Battle Against the Cabal” 11/2/17
There is a secret battle by the New World Order Cabal who want to restore the Roman Empire for the Jesuits and kill 90% of humanity and rule a totalitarian kingdom of Luciferian Depravity. (they will fail)
They are behind the shootings…fires…hurricanes…floods…earthquakes…bombings…riots…terrorism including Isis.
The Main Stream Media (MSM) does their part to keep this out of the news.
Do not watch the TV news as it is all lies and mind manipulation / programming. (owned & controlled by the cabal)
When the ‘Emergency Broadcast System’ takes over the TV…then watch it for the truth. (should be in 2 weeks or less)
The Cabal were behind the great depression crash of 1929…JFK…MLK…9/11 and more.
Some Cabal leaders are the Rothschilds…Rockefellers…Bushes…Khazarian Netanyahu and the Saudi Jews.
Antifa and all the other ‘false flag events’ are Cabal attempts to destroy America. (coming this weekend Nov 4…backed by Obama)
The Antifa False Flag Event will be met with deadly force resistance this time.
Obama tried to nuke Charleston, S.C. on Oct 7, 2013. (and blame it on Russia)
Mission Generals had the weapon dropped 600 miles offshore. (creating an earthquake of 4.5)
Obama fired all the Generals involved.
Trump is saving our asses.
People who criticize him are either poorly informed or cabal shills.
The Titanic (Olympic) was sunk on purpose.
Many shadow government operatives have been quietly taken out.
Top Management at the FBI is corrupt and guilty of ‘Capital Treason’.
All the houses at Santa Rosa that burned had ‘Smart Meters’ installed.
A ‘Direct Energy Weapon’ overloaded their circuits and caused the ‘Smart Meters’ to start the fires.
They are offering the homeowners mini homes as part of the ‘Agenda 21/30’ to screw the people.
There may be a communications blackout in November. (by the good guys taking down the cabal)
U.N. troops are currently here in America. (illegally)
If any one of them tries anything funny…you may shoot them.
The NYC terror attack was an illuminati rite. (Halloween being a Satanic holiday)
The ‘U.S. Military’ has the ability to ‘Time Travel’…’Teleport’ and ‘Travel Deep Space’.