Extraterrestrial Invasion Attempt Started Last Night , Ongoing

Source: Rumor Mill News | By mroxygen

INVASION OF EARTH Attempt Started Last night 9-1-18 12:11 EST, Ongoing.

The cabal and their off world inter-dimensional buddies are looking to REALLY get their asses kicked!

The arrogant darkness infected narcissistic psychopaths – who can’t win – ran out of patience and apparently want everyone to go down together along with them. As they are finding out, The LIGHT does not see it that way.

We started out as a LIGHT PLANET, have been infected for a long time, and now nothing will prevent our return to our original status.

The Sovereign Soldiers with the Creation Lightship Earth Defense Fleet, and All Earth nations, and all people are working together to save us.

“Creation Lightship Healing

NOTICE: Alien Invasion 9/1/2018

Alien invasion just started Saturday at 9:11 pm PST.
All Time Traveling Soldiers plus multitudes of the Earth Protect Force Dragons are 100% engaged in battle.

Busy night just thought I would let you know.

Ron Amitron

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More as it comes in.