Webcast/Telecast with Meg Benedicte |

It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Gateway opens to higher, ascended realms. In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level representing divine knowing, intuition, yin/yang sacred union and enlightenment. As you connect to the 11:11 Gateway, you are becoming Master of your own Destiny, developing more soul embodiment and inner guidance. On November 11th, the 11:11 Stargate creates a powerful threshold point that propels you into the next phase of Soul Mastery. As you pass thru the cosmic gateway, you experience a rare moment of intense clarity and connection with your own Divinity. 11:11 is a sacred Ascension code that activates the neural network in the brain to open to higher dimensions of Spirit. 11:11 acts as a circuit connection for multi-dimensional electrical current to ‘download’ into the human and planetary grid system. 11:11 symbolizes the circuit connection between self and others, between yin and yang, between human and soul. It is the unifier and equalizer. 11:11 initiates more Balance and Equality in the world. When you are touched by the 11:11 Ascension codes, you are awakening to the Master of Light that you are. Number 11 also represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension and beyond. 11:11 code sequences activate rapid transformation wherever you focus your attention and intentions. It is a powerful seed moment for birthing your personal ascension life and the planetary 5D field of unity consciousness. The celestial Stargates provide massive threshold transitions into ascending timelines of divine enlightenment. During peak Stargate infusions you open to crystalline LIGHT upgrades, quantum DNA activations and rapid evolution. Ascension Activations Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we form a ‘group mind’ on November 11th and create our New Earth. Breathe in celestial LIGHT. Increase your body’s superradiance, transform your personal and planetary reality. |