In order to control the planet Dracos have historically used a shapeshifting technology in order to consolidate power over the ruling elite.

Throughout history the main Illuminati families could not make themselves sociopathic and sadistic enough to control the population of Earth. In order to counter this Draco factions would kill of the factions, come to the Earth shapeshifted in their form and consolidate power over the governments and military of the planet.

An example of this would be the years before WWII, shapeshifted Dracos came to the surface out of deep underground military bases in the form of Illuminati factions in order to set up the conditions that lead to one of the most devastating wars in the history of humanity.

The physics of orbit allows for one to completely shapeshift into whatever crosses one’s mind. For example, if you were to be sitting in a space station in orbit without some type of technology that mimics the physics of the surface of Earth, you would be able to shapeshift into whatever you thought about. If you saw yourself as a frog in your mind’s eye then you would become frog.

The Dracos simply use a belt along with another technology that holds a picture in their mind in order to live on the surface as a shapeshifted human being. The belt creates the physics of orbit in their torsion field or aura. They are often the Grandmasters of the Illuminati and conduct epic rituals in this form.

Dracos may or may not be on the surface currently looking for key individuals.