Unveiling The False Light Message Of “The Work Is Done’

Unveiling The False Light Message Of "The Work Is Done'

By Michelle Walling, CHLC
Editor, HowToExitTheMatrix.Com

If you are receiving a message that your job is complete, be careful as to how you interpret that message. While it may be true that one of your jobs that you came here to Earth may be accomplished, there is always work to be done as long as you still find yourself in 3d. The interpretation that you can just sit back and relax and that things will be smooth sailing for you is a false trap that should be avoided.

I have read lately that are some people that are stating that their job is done and they have done such a good job that they have been given advice to just relax at this point in their life. Perhaps they are off to one of the vacation points the matrix offers to blow their money on and to kick up their feet and smoke a cigar with a martini in their hand. When they share that message with others, it can bring about confusion and it also reeks of superiority. It also implies that “I am going to sit back and watch all of you do the rest of the work as my reward”.

Personally, I know that several jobs I came here to do have been accomplished. But I’m looking around in my reality and while it may seem mostly calm and balanced, I’m still not completely out of 3d. I am still paying my rent and paying an exorbitant amount of money for organic produce. I still filed my tax return and if I don’t pay my internet bill I won’t be able keep the information flowing through my websites. I still have to play the 3d game of money to have a roof over my head. I still react to situations in a human way and am always working on myself through relationship and experience. I still have a lot of work to do on myself and to get myself out of these things (by shifting my reality). If I said anything different, I would be egotistical and perhaps delusional as my consciousness is still here in a body on this planet.

The negative beings would love for us to roll over and retire just when we are on the verge of shifting for the collective. As long as we still have homeless people, money, gasoline cars, sick people, government, bills to pay, autism, etc., there is always something to do to contribute. Anyone who thinks their work on Earth is finished is being tricked by the false light. The false light likes to use the ego to make one seem superior and more enlightened, ans to tell them that they have done a good job and they can just sit back and watch things unfold. There is ALWAYS something you can do to contribute, even if you donate your time, work on yourself, sit in mindful meditation, or simply love someone unconditionally. As long as you are here in a body, you are “doing”, and the choice before you is:

A. Will you take the shortcut and let everyone else pick up the energetic and consciousness slack, or

B. Do the very best you can do contribute to the shift in every moment, thus grow your soul exponentially?

Neither way is right or wrong, but outside of this matrix it is clear that everyone takes the high road. Why not live like you are outside of the matrix so that your vibration will draw you there?

There is a difference between not having work to do and being calm and relaxed in the now and taking it easy for a while. Everyone needs a break every now and then in order to recharge. When we are in a still state within our hearts, downloads can occur which will give us ideas on which direction the highest path will take us. We can then follow that guidance or make this version of this life the very best it can be. The more work we do now, the more we affect all versions of ourselves and all of our parallel lives, and in fact, we also affect the whole Universe. How would you feel when you returned to the 5th dimension and higher and looked back on your performance at the end of the shift? From a human perspective “work” seems like something that takes time and is hard. However, the best work we do is from the heart and can be as simple as a smile or a pat on the back. If anything, work on ourselves will make the biggest impact on our reality.

Here are just some examples of situations where you still have work to do on yourself:

-If you are blaming others for your feelings

-If you are not responsible for your actions and words

-If you are still taking pharmaceuticals (even over the counter antacids and pain meds)

-If you are not able to completely forgive others

-If you think you are better than others

-If you have recurring or obsessive thoughts

-If you have addictions

-If you are still watching tv and receiving ELF’s (even when the tv is turned off)

-If you are still being triggered to give your energy away (or still triggering others)

-If you are still reliving the past (past negative events, mourning loved ones, reminiscing about happiness lost)

-If you are still living in 3d!

Granted, simply living your life and watching the unfoldment of what you have created for yourself is what we are here to do. It’s the way we interact with that in the highest and best possible way for mankind and ourselves that makes all the difference in consciousness. However, every moment that we are creating, we are mastering the ability to create. How we do that impacts our energy and consciousness. We can create in relaxation or we can create in imbalance. As we prove to ourselves and the Universe that we are consciously responsible for what we are creating, the safety door will open. In 5d and beyond, you manifest what you create much quicker and the results could be disastrous for you and those around you if you have not practiced and worked hard to learn how to be responsible and balanced.

Please be careful how you interpret other people’s messages or even your own guidance. People need to be more responsible in the messages they give out to others as well. I have often told many of my clients that the “job” that they came her to do was done. However I always follow up with what they can do now to help shift this reality. Most of the time it always includes more self work and getting to the zero point within the heart space. Better yet, find all of your won guidance within, and make sure you are not being misled by tricksters and posers.

We never stop creating and growing as we continue the path back to Source. The imagination is one of the best creative tools we have. Focus on what you want instead of what you do not want. Imagine the highest and best outcome for humanity. Dream about peace and a world without money. Eliminate the steps in between now and that world by imagining what it would be like and that will eventually magnetize to you. This is the kind of effortless, child like manifestation work that we all could do right now.

There’s a difference in completing one phase of your work and retiring completely, thinking all of your work is done. We have been programmed to think that the amount of time you spend working will equal your return, when instead it is the kind of work you and the vibration you are in when you do it do that matters. Learn to be multidimensional in your thinking and do not stop the path of working on yourself and your reality so that you may change all of Universal creation to it’s highest vibration. When you do reach that place of perfection, keep “doing” by holding the vibration and space in unconditional love for others who are still striving to reach that place on their own, and be responsible for the way you support them with your words and actions.

As I finished this article, I was guided to flip over to my Facebook wall, and there was the confirmation that my true light guidance team provided for me. Bernhard Guenther had the perfect excerpts from Perilous Path Towards Awakening to top off my article! The exuberance of coming across this information at the precise time made me feel like I was working in precognition, like I had already done this day before! It really made my day, thank your Bernhard for the reminders!

“The sense of feeling better than others who are still be plugged into the Matrix, or who haven’t had any profound awakening experiences; the lure of looking down on them is the most common trap many people fall into. This is especially the case when truth seeking is not combined with inner work.”


“The delusion of superiority is, in fact, a symptom of still being plugged into the Matrix, since the Matrix feeds off of Service to Self (STS) ego separation-consciousness (with its manifestation of “competition” in people’s personal and/or professional lives).”


“This trap subject also ties into shadow projection. When we get emotionally riled up and project that reactive energy onto others – coming from sense of superiority – we actually feed the occult forces in the hyperdimensional realms. It stems from the “predator mind” by which these forces work through us, triggering mechanical/reactive behaviors to produce the “loosh” frequency they feed upon. There are varying degrees of superiority complexes, with various manifestations which we all can fall into (from subtle to very apparent). As long as we have an inner sense of superiority (especially the disease of moral superiority) or “specialness” in comparison to others – even without any external projections – the matrix has its hooks in us. This can also happen to “wanderers“, (individuals whose souls have incarnated from a higher density (4th or 6th density) into this 3rd density with a specific mission to accomplish in order to assist humanity), who are very identified with the wanderer (“starseed”) concept (seeing oneself as “better” than “humans”), and the ego feeds off of this divisionary mentality. This is also how negative forces target, hijack and derail wanderers from their mission – by appealing to the shadow aspect of their ego.”


“The trap of superiority is so common that it is almost a “natural” by-product of the awakening process. It can manifest itself at any given stage, even after having had a mystical awakening experience which the ego then hijacks. In other words, the ego believes itself to be awake, turning into a “spiritualized ego”. Many self-proclaimed masters/gurus (or even popular figures in the “truth movement”) have big superiority issues (cult of personality disorder) which their followers often feed with their “worship” and hierarchical-authoritarian programming, coming from a self-perceived inferior state of being, and thus putting another person on a pedestal.”


“More often than not, we have no control over when thoughts/feelings of superiority enter us. It can happen as a mechanical reflex response – as the sudden appearance of feelings of jealousy or anger. The key is self-observation, not trying to get rid of it (the axiom “what we resist persists” applies here), to say nothing of judging ourselves for thinking/feeling that way, which is very self-defeating. Avoid trying to push it away or acting on it; instead, we keep to working on ourselves, which helps to eventually detach our vibrational field from such thought intrusions; by not identifying with them positively (accepting) or negatively (judging ourselves/forceful resistance), we can slowly release them. Patience is key here.”


“A good thing to keep in mind that everyone reading this article was once fully “asleep”, caught up in the Matrix control mechanisms – none of us were born “awake”. We’ve all had our individual awakening moments, realizing that we have been believing in lies our entire lives, and that path to freedom is different for each of us. That’s where compassion and empathy come in, for both ourselves and others, even though blind/unconscious people who “dream to be awake” tend to support the matrix agenda, and hence unknowingly do a lot of “harm” despite their well-meaning intentions.”

Read more of The Perilous Path Toward Awakening HERE.

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for In5d.com and bodymindsoulspirit.com. Michelle is the webmaster for MichelleWalling.com, cosmicstarseeds.com, thestarchildren.net, and howtoexitthematrix.com, and is the co-creator of WooWooMedia.com.