Protection Invocations for Radiation, Chemtrails, EMF’s, Smart Meters, etc.

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | By Patricia

Why use an invocation for radiation protection wood smoke is releasing radiation that has accumualted over the years in trees

Protection Invocations

For Radiation / ChemTrails / EMFs / Smart Meters and more…

Source of Invocation: Universal Heart channeled by Cynthia Williams
Notes are by Patricia, Therapeutic Body Worker and Wellness Educator



In March, 2008, I had a channeling session with Universal Heart, channeled by Cynthia Williams. Some of my health challenges at that time were worse than usual. I was told that when a satellite was blown up (intentionally) over Hawaii a few weeks earlier, it created a radiation exposure that was undermining my health. Universal Heart taught me a specific invocation for neutralizing the negative impact of this radiation. After doing it, I was very aware of a positive change occurring in my health within just a couple of hours, as I could see my skin condition improving rapidly.

Accomodating different spiritual paths in using invocations…

I worked with a Japanese woman who was impacted by Fukishima radiation. She did not resonate with the invocation I was given by Universal Heart. However, when she called on her ‘Ancestors’, using her spiritual tradition to fascilitate the protection, it worked and she got the 100% protection (I muscle tested her to make sure it worked). So use what resonates with you, whether it’s Jesus, Budda, God, Great Spirit, Ancestors, etc.



1) Call on the Devas (any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature) for support.

2) Discern (with dowsing, kinesiology/muscle testing, etc.) if you are being negatively impacted by Environmental Radiation.If so…

3) “Be in your Heart” and call on the Devine in a way you are comfortable with. One example:

– From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from radiation.

– I ask the Devas to now place Energy Light Ringsof Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute radiation.

– I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health.

– Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!

4) Once you have done the invocation (adjusted to meet your spiritual needs/path), check to see if you have 100% protection. If you don’t, repeat the invocation. Be mindful, in your Heart and your certainty. I use kinesiology testing to discern results. Or one could use their ‘knowingness’.

Universal Heart said that this invocation process could be used to create protection from Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) and ChemTrails, as well as Radiation. I have also used a specific invocation for just Smart Meter frequencies, with great success!


Universal Heart said you can use these invocations on behalf of your dependents. Be in your heart as you say each invocation on behalf of your loved one.


Universal Heart said that since ChemTrail formulas are changed periodically, this invocation may need to be redone periodically to accommodate these changes. Later on,when I checked this invocation’s effectiveness, I was loosing about 10% protection over 3 months. I would then redo the ChemTrail invocation so I would have 100 % protection again. I eventually asked one of my guides/Angels to make the adjustments as needed to accommodate the ChemTrail changes, thus giving me 100% protection at all times. Doing this additional step has worked for me.


The EMF invocation gives me protection when I’m around computers, microwave ovens and cell phone towers. I then stopped using the EMF protection pendant I was using, since it never felt energeticlly compatible. And, Universal Heart said the pendant was not giving me full protection anyway.

Even though the EMF invocation allows me to be quite close to EMF technology devices, my body still does not like to actually touch them (this contracts my body). And, Smart Meter frequencies were still impacting me when I got within 3 feet of a wall with these frequencies in the wiring. I read in the past that one Smart Meter has 50-160 times the impact of a cell phone over time, so they are toxic. I found this article today:

Solution for EMFs and Smart Meters: The Lemurian Plug-whole house EMF protection

I learned about “The Lemurian Plug”,on a conference call. It’s a marvelous tool as it does neutralize EMFs and Smart Meter frequencies in buildings (my kinesiology testing confirms this). Larger buildings (2 story, etc.), and those with multiple meters, and/or more toxic frequency exposures (powerlines) may need more than one ‘Plug”.

The Plug is designed for 110 voltage outlets only. If you have 220 voltage, you can still use the plug, but must use it as described below.

Important Safety Information for People outside the US

This is for the people in countries (Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and others) who have 220 voltage or anything that isn’t American, which is 110.

The ‘Plug” was designed to be plugged into 110 voltage outlets, for convenience. In America and other nations with 110 voltage, just plug the Lemurian Plug into a 110 electrical outlet to neutralize the Smart Meter frequencies and EMFs in your home.

However, If you are in a country with 220 voltage, do not plug ‘the Plug’ into the outlet! The extra voltage can overheat the Plug.

Instead, turn the Plug so that the prongs are facing you and either tape it or Velcro it to your outlet, whichever you wish. The Plug needs to be in close proximity to the electrical wires, but does not need to be plugged in. For more information about this read the FAQs.

Cell Phones and the Lemurian Plug

Use The Lemurian Plug to neutralize a cell phone’s toxic EMFs, making them beneficial. Just lay ‘the Plug’ on top of the phone about 5 minutes to make this change. I can now touch my cell phone with out negative impact and I also use it on my body as a tool to release stress and support energy flow.

Lots of good testimonials about ‘the Plug’ resolving health issues:

Buildings with multiple Smart Meters…

I eventually moved into an apartment with Smart Meters. I used 2 Lemurian Plugs to neutraize the frequencies in the apartment. One wall was fully neutraized and the rest of the apartment walls and floor had partial success. The wiring in the apartments to either side and below was complicating the situation, since this is a multiple meter building. It’s my understanding that each meter needs to be addressed using a Lemurian Plug. The seller of the Plug can tell you how to neutralize a multile meter building.

However, not wanting to buy more plugs nor address management in order to neutralize all the problem meters, I tried the invocation process for just Smart Meter frequencies. I asked the Devas to put energy light rings around me to neutralize the negative impact of smart meters specifically. And it worked! Plus, I can now go into Smart Meter buildings and be protected.

EMF Invocation

– From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from EMFs.

– I ask the Devas to now place Energy Light Rings of Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute EMFs.

– I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health.

– Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!

Smart Meter Invocation

– From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from Smart Meter frequencies.

– I ask the Devasto now place Energy Light Rings of Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute Smart Meter frequencies.

– I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health.

– Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!

ChemTrail Invocation
– From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from Chemtrails.

– I ask the Devas to now place Energy Light Rings of Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute Chemtrails.

– I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health.

– Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!

– I now ask my guide/Angel ________________ to make ongoing adjustments to accommodate the changes in ChemTrail formulas so that I have 100% protection at all times.

– Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.


Geopathic Lines on a Property

A friend used this invocation process for dealing with this stressor on her property. I am not sure how she worded it.

More on ‘SMART’ METERS; opting out of these meters

In some states there are opt out programs that charge punitive fees to retain or restore analog meters. No federal law forces smart meters on customers.

Being environmentally sensitive, I’ve had to learn how to manage different kinds of toxins in this ‘modern’ world. Hope this is helpful to others.


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