The next gen of vaccine horror is here. You better pay EXTREMELY close attention to this conversation. ‘Science’ has announced that vaccines are moving away from traditional formats and will now be composed of viruses that will carry entirely new forms of DNA right into your cells where they will REPLACE or join your body’s existing, God-given NATURAL DNA with this new SYNTHETIC DNA. This new DNA will allegedly confirm protection on you from various viruses that each new DNA type is created to kill. However, this new virus-delivered SYNTHETIC DNA can be created to do almost ANYTHING to you…permanently and forever. This fake DNA can CHANGE ANY PART OF YOUR BEING…from intellectual and emotional processes to all physical traits that are created and regulated by our natural DNA. We are entirely governed by our birth DNA but soon, according to one scientist, ‘EVERYONE WILL HAVE SYNTHETIC DNA.’ We are talking about ABSOLUTE CONTROL of the human species through synthetic, DNA. This is a monumentally important video.