Out of all of the movies, television shows and other forms of media used to disclose various truths to the public this show has to be the crown jewel. It has almost everything. The solar flash, the operations to liberate Earth, the Cosmic Anomaly, the Jesuits, super soldiers, the Resistance, the Galactic Confederation, a secret space program, Blue Spheres, Ascended Beings, the Illuminati/Freemasons and much more as you are about to read.
I took 9 pages of notes and binge-watched 4 seasons of this show with 22 or 23 episodes for each season. I couldn’t believe how many dots were connected and how information-dense this show was with each passing episode. As you will see someone deep within-the-know was feeding the creator/writer of this show very high-up information and intel.
I found the easiest way to organize all this information would be to alphabetize it and organize everything by category. I have pictures and videos of everything that I thought was significant enough to record and document.
First I will provide a synopsis to the show to give the readers a baseline idea of what the story line is. The show takes place on a 5 mile-wide Earth-based and taxpayer-funded space station that acts as an intermediary for other E.T. races to come and create peaceful and diplomatic relations and trade, kind of like our moon.
It is located in a neutral area of space and acts as an officially recognized embassy by Earth and by the associated non-terrestrial beings who are referred to as ambassadors that are appointed to represent their governments. It is the result of a devastating Earth-Minbari war that took place in in the recent past.
- Ascended Beings
Beings that call themselves the Vorlons use Organic Technology (the ships are alive) and exist inside encounter suits to contain/hide their true form. In one episode the being ambassador Kosh left his suit to save the captain of the crew and all of the beings that saw him saw their version of their religious leader; Jesus and so on.
Kosh once said he couldn’t leave his suit or else everyone would recognize him. This gives more credit to the idea that we create our realities and the higher beings identify with what we believe and take that form in order not to frighten us upon contact.
Kosh in his Encounter Suit
Kosh Outside his Suit Rescuing the Captain
It was discussed that these higher beings can break off a piece of their consciousness and put it into other organisms. This would allow them to travel the cosmos hidden, being the eyes and ears of the being.
- Agenda 21
One of the CEOs of one of the largest pharmaceutical corporations in the show had admitted to creating a virus that would infect and suppress the abilities of as many telepaths as possible. The same company created an antidote that the Telepaths would have to take everyday or they would die. This idea is similar to many we hear about biological weapons being used to depopulate the planet by 90% and leave the rest as slaves.
- The Alliance
Later on in the show the Earth president succumbs to the control of those behind-the-scenes and the Babylon crew are forced to breakaway from Earth. They form an Alliance with the other E.T. races to combat the threat coming from Earth which used advanced technology they received from the negative E.T.s. This later turns into the Resistance as you will read further on.
- Abraxas
At one point the captain used the code word Abraxas to access a nuclear bomb which was used to destroy an artifact located in space that opened a doorway into another part of the Universe that would allow very malevolent beings to enter and cause all kinds of havoc. Per Wikipedia the name Abraxas is assigned to what is called The Great Archon. I would also like to note that the House of Abraxas was given to the genocidal family depicted in the movie Jupiter Ascending.
- Babylon 5
The name of the space station is Babylon 5. Nothing in this show has been added or chosen arbitrarily so I was trying to figure out where they came up with this name. After a little research I found that Babylon was the birthplace of what we now know as the Illuminati. And when I tried to figure out why they chose 5 I figured it might be the antithesis to 6 which is a number that the Illuminati uses regularly and we know how important 5 is to sacred geometry. These are just theories, I am not 100% certain of these ideas.
Earth has several colonies outside their solar system. They use Jump Gate technology they got from the Minbari to instantly travel to other star systems:
It is interesting to note that the interior of Babylon looks very similar to other depictions of cigar or similar-shaped craft where the perimeter is built out into a living area for people:
- Black Italian Nobility Families
This part of the show was extremely significant because one of the main characters, Londo Mollari, was, I believe, depicted as being a representative of the people that really run things on this planet. Their names and city locations are all Italian sounding and they refer to each other’s families with House in front of it; House of Mollari, House of Cotti.
Cobra has been telling us for a while now that the Black Nobility Families exert a lot of control over the operations of Earth and that the Rothchilds are on the next tier down from them.
We can see from the photo that their clothing is that from an older time period here on Earth. Their hair, to me, represents them being towards the top of the pyramid and that they see themselves as the most Elite of the other beings. When I typed in Italian Nobility Families into Google I got the following painting/photo from a time period where the clothing is similar to what we see in the show:
I would also like to point out the black sun-looking pin on Londo’s jacket. We know from various sources and whistle-blowers that these people worship the black sun AKA the Galactic Central Sun. In the show they often refer to their acquiring power as their ‘Ascendance’. One of the leaders who was eventually assassinated was a genocidal maniac and believed what he was doing was for the good of their people and that he would achieve godhood.
It is interesting to note that the Centauri have fangs. This was also depicted in Doctor Who when he time traveled to Italy only to find the royal families there were using humans as sources of energy and sucking their blood/energy.
Scene from Doctor Who Where Royal Family Creates More Vampire-Like Creatures that Feast on Humans
At one point Mollari was describing some of the ways these families tortured prisoners. It sounded just like an Illuminati ritual. He went on to say that they would cut people open, starting from the bottom of their neck, all the way down. And remove their internal organs. (In a strange coincidence I had a dream where I was strapped down and there were people cutting me open and removing my organs. They were explaining what they were. I was conscious for this experience. The people were not nice people.)
I believe someone in-the-know, from the 1990s gave the writer of this show this material to be disclosed. We just recently read from Benjamin Fulford’s intel post (4/12/17) about the 13 genocidal Italian Black Nobility Families that control everything.
Here are some of the names and places used in this show that make me feel inclined to think they are depicting these families:
- House of Drigo
- Dugarri
- Island of Celini
- Lord Refa
- Emperer Cartagia
- House of Duggari
- Drusella
- Blue Spheres
The blue spheres were reference two times in the show. One very advanced being left after a conversation had finished into a blue sphere which he created. It was only there for a moment but I got it:
Higher Density Being Transforming into Blue Sphere
There is another scene at the end of the 4th season where there is what appears to be an advanced being wrapping up some data transfers regarding Earth when he transforms into a blue sphere and merges with this guardian looking statue. Sorry about the video quality, I used one of the first screen capture programs I could find:
- Cargo Cult
David Wilcock wrote an article in great length about the cargo cult which was briefly mentioned in this show:
“Thayer Watkins, a faculty member at San Jose State University, is one of many scholars to have covered the intriguing phenomenon of “cargo cults” that formed in some of the South Pacific islands.
Several different Melanesian islands that had lived in almost complete isolation were suddenly contacted by mysterious-looking people with white skin during the war.
The Cargo Cult members built replicas of airports and airplanes out of twigs and branches.
They made the sounds associated with airplanes to try to activate the shipment of cargo.”
- Censorship/Control over Media
At one point the government barged into the T.V. networks and took control of the broadcasts. They began threatening and even killing those who opposed them and were forced to feed propaganda to the population.
During this capture of the media a man was able to get out a message on live T.V. before the Cabal took over and said there are things they want to say but are not allowed to and that they are being fed lies and propaganda.
Earthgov was finding journalists and imprisoning them for speaking out. Sedition became a very big deal and many were captured and imprisoned in the show.
A play on words was used in order to subvert law and initiate martial law which was successfully done.
Earthgov used high-level people in positions of power to manipulate public opinion. In the show they used a Harvard professor in order to get people on the Cabal’s side to resist liberation by the Resistance and vilify the leader of the Resistance who was the captain of Babylon 5.
- Compartmentalization
Psy Corp, which is a formal and government-controlled program for training Telepaths, introduces the concept of compartmentalization so that no one gets the entire picture of what is going on. This organization runs several unacknowledged programs involved in enhancing telepaths for military use and the population that are born as telepaths are forced to become part of the organization or be given drugs to suppress their abilities.
- Corporate Control on Earth and in Space
There are several scenes where it is admitted that corporations are the ones really calling the shots here on Earth and have been for a long time. There is one scene where the government/corporation refuses to pay the workers on Babylon 5 a fair wage, upgrade their equipment and hire enough people to maintain a safe work environment. At one point there is a mandate that requires the senior staff to start paying rent for their quarters.
The CEO of a billion dollar pharmaceutical company had been exposed as buying a Senator’s reelection with the helps of 2 dozen lobbyists. This company was one of the major chemical suppliers for Earth. You can bet they were probably involved in war also.
It was also discusses that these Earth corporations and their taxes had sucked the colonies in other star systems dry.
- Dark Night of the Soul
There are a few occasions where the Dark Night of the Soul journey is emphasized and put in the fore. The ship’s doctor goes through this during the peak time the Resistance Movement is battling Earth and Shadow Forces who were preventing the liberation of the planet. It is my belief that these two things were shown simultaneously because the writer or people behind the writer wanted us to know that this would happen and that everything would work out.
- Defeat of the Cabal/Shadows/Illuminati
After the Resistance Movement closed in on Earth the President had shot himself in the head and left a note on his desk where he circled various letters which read ‘Scorched Earth’. Right after that the Earth space weapons/particle beams had been activated and pointed right at Earth. They couldn’t be hacked as they were locked out by the President.
Before this though the President had created a fleet of semi-organic craft to send out to destroy the Alliance and the captain in order to maintain control over Earth. It was used with the help of the Shadows.
The captain of Babylon 5 was planning on using his ship to ram into the Earth space weapons and stop them when at the last moment a Minbari ship came out of hyperspace and shot it down, saving Earth.
The media is then liberated and is allowed to begin broadcasting the truth. I believe this is what we will see when The Event happens. This video is pretty emotional and heavy so please be aware of that before watching:
- The Event
Several times in this show the crew talks about us entering into a new age. An age of peace and mutual cooperation. I believe it is written right into the intro of the show:
Lennier, “It was the year of fire…”
Zack, “the year of destruction…”
G’kar, “the year we took back what was ours.”
Lyta, “It was the year of rebirth…”
Vir, “the year of great sadness…”
Marcus, “the year of pain…”
Delenn, “and the year of joy.”
Londo, “It was a new age.”
Franklin, “It was the end of history.”
Ivanova, “It was the year everything changed.”
Garibaldi, “The year is 2261. The place:”
Sheridan, “Babylon 5.”
I would also like to note that the year they depicted the liberation of Earth and The Event was 1996. Right before the Congo Invasion, per Cobra’s intel. We heard from Cobra before that The Event could have happened that year because of the awakening that was happening back then:
(2012Portal) “Throughout the 20th century, the Confederation has been removing obstacles to the First Contact one after the other until in 1995 they were ready to make their move. This triggered a red alert among the top Archons on Earth at that time and they have decided to call in all remaining dark forces of the Galaxy to defend quarantine Earth. This resulted in the so-called Congo Archon invasion of 1996.”
(2012Portal) “Etheric Archon grid is present around this planet for the last 26,000 years and was greatly reinforced during Congo Archon invasion in 1996 when it was strengthened by many reptilian entities from our Galaxy and from the Andromeda galaxy as well. In late 1995, Archons became afraid that the Galactic Confederation will make real contact with the surface population of this planet and they reinforced the grid to prevent that.”
After the defeat of the Cabal in the show there was announcements and a new President had taken over, interestingly, a Russian female one. There was a broadcast by the E.T.s to invite humanity to be part of the Interstellar Alliance, which they called it, but I believe they were referring to the Galactic Confederation. They would even be offered advanced technology if the Earth people accepted:
In a speech given by Delenn and others after the defeat of the Cabal, they describe many times what I believe to be the Galactic Codex which was published on Cobra’s and other’s blogs. There is much talk about mutual cooperation, peaceful relations and trade, respecting of each other’s sovereignty and maintaining a balance of progress, evolution and love among the members in the Alliance.
- False Flags
Earthgov, as the government is called in the show, was planning on the organizing and executing a false flag attack on the Resistance in order to turn public opinion against those who were trying to liberate them.
- Genetic Manipulation by E.T.s
There are scenes where it is discussed that humans have been genetically altered by both Vorlons and other races.
- Illuminati/Freemason Symbolism
In addition to the name of the station and show being Babylon, the birthplace of the group we now know of as the Illuminati, there were countless signs and symbols in places throughout the show which I couldn’t possibly document. There was one scene where the chief of security was under mind-control by the Psy Corp in order to capture the captain and stop him from liberating Earth and defeating the Cabal. The captain was drugged and there was a scene where the captain fought and lost in the bar he was lured into:
Scene in Bar Where Captain is Drugged and Captured by Mind Controlled Crew Member. Notice the Spiral Red Eye and Golden Triangle.
There is another scene at the end of the 4th season where the President shoots himself in the head in order to avoid arrest and his office is adorned with Illuminati/Freemason symbolism indicating that those people were the ones calling the shots:
Notice the Eagle/Phoenix, the Square and Compass and Pyramid Between the Legs of the Eagle/Phoenix.
You Can See the Symbols Better Here, Notice the even Larger Golden Pyramid Above the Eagle/Phoenix
Many times the ideology of the Illuminati is written into the script and is even made part of the tenants of E.T. beliefs. These being that the weak will always die out and the strong will conquer. That there are only two types of beings in the Universe, the conquerors and the conquered.
The captain, after doing some of his own research, discovers there is an organization called Bureau 13 that controls things from behind-the-scenes. They are very powerful and they have eyes and ears everywhere. Bureau, being the French word for table, is an interesting choice, to me indicating the group is likened to the Rothchilds, who are French and the number 13 being of occult significance to them.
There is a race of beings that comes aboard Babylon 5 which calls themselves the ‘Lumati’, which believes in Darwinism and the ultimate splitting of all beings into two groups, the strong and the weak.
There was a scene where one of the Nazi characters was told that his new world order plans would not be successful:
Chief of Security (Left) Telling Nazi Man (Right) That his Plans for the New World Order Will Fail.
I believe the Minbari were shown as the antithesis to the Illuminati and Cabal in this show. The Minbari used the pyramid and triangle symbols many many times but in a benevolent way as they were originally intended to be used:
Delenn of the Minbari Activating Triangle/Crystal Device Used to Identify DNA
Possible Depiction of All-Seeing Eye from Atlantian Mystery Schools
I would like to note an interesting coincidence that I was able to get a photo of which looked very similar to the eye in the photo above:
Strange Illuminated Eye I Photographed a Couple of Years Ago. This Formation has Never Happened Since this Photo.
The Minbari have the most beautiful cities with buildings made from crystals. The main character Delenn tells of how beautiful the sounds were when the wind brushed up against the buildings.
I believe the writer or people behind the writer of the show were showing us where these symbols originally came from and that they are not something to be frightened of and that they shouldn’t be used for nefarious purposes like the Cabal have done with them, sadly.
- Metaphysical Knowledge
The Minbari, who is allied with Earth, always made sure to express and share spiritual and ancient knowledge. They often stressed the importance of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, as Tesla did. The Minbari had a Council of 9 which presided over matters concerning the people. 3 from the warrior caste, 3 from the religious caste and 3 from the worker caste.
In one scene there was a man who shared some spiritual information with the chief of security. He said our thoughts form the Universe and that they always matter. He also went on to say that in order to escape the situation they were in, their mind must be in a certain state of purity.
The man said that he remembers his connection to the Universe and that most people don’t, they have forgotten who they are, that we are the Universe and that the Universe is resetting itself. Everyone will be perfect.
There was a scene where there was a man in a cave talking about how the Universe began with a word (a sound/frequency), he questions which came first, the word, or the thought behind the word.
There is a scene where a man talks about leaving his crystals out in the sun to charge.
- Law of One Knowledge
The Minbari often spoke of knowledge that we got from the various sources including the Law of One:
- Reincarnation is a normal teaching among the Minbaris (the Minbari-Earth war ended because Minbari souls were incarnating into human bodies)
- Everything in the Universe is frequency
- The Universe created itself so it could know itself
- Everything is an experience and nothing happens by accident
- The power of group mind emphasized greatly
- Mars Colony
There exists a separate Mars Colony that is not allied with Earth. They appear to be at war and in constant conflict. There were attempts made to bring the two together that ultimately were semi-successful. This is also depicted in the new-ish Sci-Fi show The Expanse, which is on its 2nd season as of the time of this writing.
- Mind Wipe Technology
As part of Earth’s judicial system, prisoners who were convicted of extreme crimes against people were given mind-wipes and implanted memories in addition to doing community service to make up for the crimes they committed.
At one point there was a clergyman who started seeing horrific scenes and hallucinations and learned that he was a murderer in his past and that his mind had been wiped as part of his sentence. The memories were not gone but were suppressed and they were triggered telepathically by others who wished him to become what he once was.
- Nazi Influence
At one point the captain is captured and various techniques are used to torture and break his mind and body. It felt very much like watching an interrogation from Nazi Germany. They starved him, fed him propaganda, used various drugs and mind-control techniques in order to break him. They used these horrific techniques on non-terrestrials also.
There is a scene during the last part of the 4th season where the doctor from Babylon 5 is programmed (he is brought back as a hologram) to include human experiments in his dialogue and research and discusses experiments being done on children.
During the last part of the 4th season there are scenes where there is a man who has a coat on with the Nazi SS symbol on it:
Nazi SS Symbol on Man’s Coat
- Night Watch (Illuminati Group)
There was a group of people that called themselves the Night Watch whose symbol was that of an eye and pyramid. They kept an ‘eye’ on things and didn’t hide who they were. They were created by the President and gave them great power which they abused later on in the show.
- The Shadows
The entire direction of the show changed to defeating these powerful and ancient dark beings called the Shadows. They were incredibly evil and powerful.
A Shadow Being
These Shadows were battled by the First Ones, who were one of the oldest beings beings in the Galaxy, these turned out to be the Vorlons. I equated the Vorlons with the Galactic Central Race.
The Shadows end up influencing the president on Earth and cause him to make dictator-like decisions to concentrate power to him and Earthgov and control humanity. They use the media to brainwash the public to get them on their side.
The Shadow’s ideology includes seeking out Elite members of society, telling them they are special and that the rest of humanity is weak and should be culled. Their agenda include promoting Darwinism (who was a Freemason) and duality, that pain is a natural part of life.
The President got involve with these Shadows and other negative E.T.s to help him obtain power. The Shadows were responsible for influencing President to order genocide of Telepaths.
The Shadows had many beings do their bidding. This included beings called the Drakh who walked in a very strange fashion and appeared to be slightly out of phase:
The Shadow’s greatest weakness, which took a while to figure out, was being in the presence of a Telepath. The Shadows became unstable and unable to fight when blocked by a Telepath. I believe this is a metaphor for people using their minds and their innate abilities to see the negative beings and their influence and become aware of it. These beings need absolute secrecy in order to do what they want. Once we become ‘aware’ or use our minds, the jig is up and they are exposed.
The Centauri Emperor (who I believe are the Italian Black Nobility Families) made a deal with the Shadows and that if he did what they asked then they would give him powers and make him a god. This is the ideology of the Illuminati.
- The Solar Flash
This has to be, for me, the most important part of the entire show. Not only did this show include many of the topics I had learned about in my research and studying of this information but they had the mother of all prophecies and events as part of the victory of the Resistance against the Shadows and the forces on Earth. In the video below you will see a being doing some kind of download or upload of information about Earth before he transforms into a blue sphere and enters into a statue. Then the solar flash occurs:
- Super Soldiers
There are many scenes and episodes that focus on the cruel and dark aspects of the ‘government’ and corporations that use trauma, drugs and mind-control techniques to create the perfect and totally obedient soldier.
One such person was Talia, a certified Telepath with the Psy Corp. She appeared to be very benevolent and one who would carry out her duties with no problems. It turns out that she was deeply programmed as a sleeper agent to infiltrate and kill a target upon Telepathic code word activation.
During the beginning of the show there was one high-level Telepath who was given drugs and other substances in order to enhance their abilities. He went on to say that the Psy Corp wanted him to be able to control things down to the molecular level. This ability would be used to strangle people from a distance or squeeze their arteries and cause a heart attack or stroke and leave no trace.
- Calls for Volunteers to Help Earth
The higher being Kosh had Delenn ask him if she could join him in the operations to defeat the Shadows. He agreed and told her she would be tested to see if she would be able to handle the battle with those beings. She underwent an interesting trial. The captain joined her later and they both ended up passing, but not before possibly dying or answering a question incorrectly.
- Time Travel
There was a couple episodes that depicted a situation where the previous Babylon station, Babylon 4, was stuck in some type of Tachyon time distortion. The crew went in to help the stranded crew and ultimately became and fulfilled a 1000 year old prophecy which they had created. I know, it’s a head ache thinking about it…They used technology in order to keep them anchored in their time.
Interestingly I had a dream about similar technology I used during a crash I was in or saw. Except we had rings that made the passage of time flow the same for all of us. The crew of Babylon 5 had small saucer-shaped devices that they used.
January 13th, 2017
“Had a dream where I saw some E.T. friends crash and try to get us to help them with their situation. There was a problem with the area as time and space must have warped because certain technology was required to move to various areas. There were rings that allowed the pass of time to remain the same throughout these areas. I got a ring or something else that helped with this and there was a big problem.
The other person and I would reset and forget what happened as soon as we left the field. There appeared to be a problem with the technology. So my friend and I would leave an area, forget about the situation and have to piece piece together what just happened. The situation escalated and my friend started becoming jealous and I think I started labeling things to try and get a better hand on what was happening. It was tragic. Then I woke up.
- Trans-Humanism
There are scenes similar to what we see from Stargate SG-1 and Star Trek where humans are merged with technology to create a type of Borg-being where they can control technology and integrate their biology with. This was discovered to be Shadow technology.
- The Resistance
There were two groups involved in what we would know as a Resistance. The first being one that developed by the senior crew on Babylon 5 and the other being one that is underground on Mars.
The Babylon 5 Resistance consisted of E.T. groups which didn’t really care to join forces in the first place and the crew found it incredibly difficult to keep the Alliance alive. Similar to what we hear being the situation on Earth. The various beings in the show had their own agenda.
But the Resistance was very large and it turns out it existed on Earth involving many parties.
The Resistance could only liberate Earth if it went after Mars first, which they proceeded to do and succeeded. We are hearing similar intel in that the Alliance/Galactic Confederation had been closing in on Earth in the operation Compression Breakthrough.
The Resistance closed in on Earth finally, defeating layer after layer of defenses. Many brainwashed Earth soldiers and captains defected when they met with Babylon 5 forces. They were told by Earthgov that Babylon 5 were traitors and wanted to turn them into Minbari.
Voice of Resistance Broadcast Created by Babylon 5
At one point the crew of Babylon 5 created a broadcast channel called Voice of the Resistance which reported truth and honest information about the operations and goings on of the Babylon 5 station and near-by space. It was created in order to combat propaganda being played on Earth. Could this have been a precursor to Cobra’s blog? Perhaps!
- In Conclusion
For me personally this show was a huge validation of many things I have learned since the beginning of my awakening. The Ancient knowledge along with other intel and information we have been getting for a while now in addition to many other shows that appear to have someone benevolent giving us what we need to be able to shake off the shackles of this quarantine and get ourselves free.
I hope this article has been helpful for you the readers and anyone you happen to share this with. I am certain I missed some things as this show was incredibly information dense and I don’t think I could have possibly gotten everything. But I believe I got the most important stuff out. Thank you all for reading and much love!
P.S. It is any coincidence that the song ‘Tonight in Babylon’ is written about celebrations and revolutions? I always wondered why they chose that name…Hmm…
Victory of the light everyone!
“We’ll be celebrating, dancing until dawn,
Come on dry your tears now, put your dark glasses on,
Tonight in Babylon
Gonna be a revolution, a change is gonna come,
Gonna be a new beginning, gonna shine on everyone
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon
Maybe we should go out dancing, put the red light on,
Everybody knows it’s over, we knew it all along,
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Tonight in Babylon, tonight in Babylon
Everybody feels alright
Everybody feels alright
Tonight in Babylon
Maybe we should go out dancing, put the red light on,
Everybody knows…”