The Khazarian mafia power grab using a fake COVID 19 pandemic has failed spectacularly and now payback begins, Pentagon and Asian secret society sources say. The White Hats have begun an immediate offensive by killing Jesuit military leader and Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, White Dragon Society sources say. The death of Nicolas opened the path for the liberation of Japan. This is being followed by the liberation of Germany. Only then will it be possible to liberate the United States and thus the planet Earth.
Let’s begin with the death on May 20th of the Black Pope. Nicolas, although supposedly a nice guy, was head of an organization that planned and carried out the 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan. Although his predecessor Peter Hans Kolvenbach was in charge of that operation, Nicolas failed to admit, apologize and make amends for this war crime.
His death has opened the way for regime change in Japan because he was the top commander of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that actually runs this country. The day after Nicolas died, Hiromu Kurokawa the chief of the Tokyo prosecutors’ office was forced to resign over a “gambling scandal.”—reports/
Then, 662 lawyers and scholars filed a criminal complaint against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.
Also, with Nicolas removed, the path was finally opened to file the following criminal complaint about Fukushima to the International Criminal Court:
“Dear Sirs,
On March 11, 2011 Japan was attacked by means of nuclear bombs drilled into the seabed off the shore of Fukushima Japan, resulting in at least 15,899 deaths.
We have multiple witnesses to this act of terrorism. These include:
Australian ANSUS agent Sasha Zaric, a whistleblower who was involved in smuggling in the 500-kiloton nuclear device used in the attack.
A member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in the technical operation of dividing the nuclear weapon into 5 smaller devices that were drilled into the seabed by the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. He is currently in protective custody but will be made available for trial.
Another witness is Naoto Kan who was Prime Minister of Japan at the time of the attack. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Kan with more attacks on the day after March 11, 2011 unless Japan handed over its foreign exchange holdings to the Khazarian mafia. The NSA and the Japanese self-defense forces have recordings of this conversation.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia can also testify that he was removed from power by agents of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board when he tried to warn of the imminent attack against Japan.
There are many more witnesses who can prove beyond doubt that the tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima was the result of a deliberate attack.
We can also prove the following individuals were involved in the attack (some of them are deceased):
Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former head of the Society of Jesus. Kolvenbach was recorded by the NSA as claiming credit for the attack.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Netanyahu, as mentioned above, has also been recorded claiming responsibility for the attack.
Leo Zagami. Zagami threatened the attack would take place in a book published in Japan before March 11, 2011.
The Israeli Security company Magna BSP, which installed a small nuclear weapon at the Fukushima nuclear power plant that was set off to coincide with the undersea nuclear weapon attack. The then governor of Fukushima is among the many who can testify to their involvement.
There are many other individuals and organizations who were involved in this attack but we believe the above information is sufficient to lead to a preliminary investigation.
If the ICC fails to act on this matter the White Dragon Society will hunt down and kill all court officials involved in the decision to cover up this massive war crime.”
The current president of the ICC is Chile Eboe-Osuji,. If Osuji together with the other two top judges, fail to file war crimes charges related to Fukushima, they as the heads of the supposedly highest judicial organization on the planet will be guilty of covering up war crimes. War criminals are subject to summary military justice, i.e. the death penalty. It is time for the ICC to show it is more than just a Western institution that can only prosecute tin pot third world dictators. Do your fact checking judges, this is for real: Do or Die!
This is just the beginning of the counter offensive. Now look at what is store for mass murderer Bill Gates and his fellow medical cartel criminals. Here is a famous mug shot of Bill Gates when he was arrested in his younger years.

The official story is that he was arrested for a traffic violation. However, CIA sources say “The real charge was…
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