Published on Sep 14, 2018
Bank of England is warning that if there is no deal BREXIT the entire economic system will come crashing down but the banks will be ok. Central bankers threatening those who want to leave. Sears is going down, they can not survive and in the next couple of months most likely after the holidays Sears will not exist. Retail sales decline, more stores close as the economy implodes on itself. The entire system is cannot survive the central banking system, get ready for a new economic system.
Published on Sep 14, 2018
We are now seeing an all out ban on social media platforms. They deep state is trying to hide the truth, they will not succeed. The deep state is preparing to counter the MOAB, they are using using projection to show the government uses fake news and Facebook will now tell if a photo or video is real or not.The PM of Iraq will not run for another term. Trump lashes out at Kerry for interfering with government business and wants to know if Kerry has registered as a foreign agent. France is warning if Idlib is attacked the paid mercenaries won’t have any place to go and they will scatter, once again not true, look at the other towns that were liberated, the paid mercenaries were captured, transported by the deep state, what they are worried about is that if Idlib is liberated it is game over.