Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film (Video)


This is Everything I Want to Tell the World about Chemtrails

(Pakalert Press) A new Italian film, Chemtrails: The secret war has been released showing a disturbing covert military agenda behind the sinister phenomenon, one that according to evidence presented includes far more than weather manipulation for “climate change.”

“Let’s stand up and defend our rights!” say Italian filmmakers Antonio and Rosario Marciano.

The Marcianos, of the Italian website Tanker Enemy ( have produced the documentary film, Chemtrails: the secret war (below) to show scientific evidence related to the chemtrails phenomenon. While much of the documentation has been presented in previous years by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, head of Global Research, no film captures the covert war against We the People as well as the Marcianos do.