How To Move Through Vibrational Roadblocks

Congratulations on learning how to raise your vibrational frequency!

You may be wondering what to do next, and you also may have had some unexpected challenges that have left you wondering if you are doing the right thing.

What is the next step beyond raising your vibration and when do the challenges end?

As a part of spiritual awakening, we learned that the world has existed in a lower vibrational frequency which has kept us lulled into complacency in a walking sleep state.

You may have read many articles on raising your vibration such as this one – How To Raise Your Personal Vibration, and may have listened to videos such as this one from Gregg Prescott of In5dthat explains how this frequency has been all around us and why:

As you transmuted low vibrational frequencies, your DNA has slowly shifted to allow our cells to vibrate faster. This has allowed your cells to begin to ignite with light or plasma, and the DNA within your cells has begun to transform.

Through meditation, you slowed time down, turned off the outside world, went within to raise your frequency. You worked on transmuting energies of fear (thick, sticky, dark energy), and are learning to operate from the heart rather than the head or ego.

Your consciousness has expanded along with your cells and you are working on detoxing and purifying your body, which also raises your vibrational frequency.

A couple of things may have happened since you began your work. For one, you may have figured out that at some point you will need to stop raising your frequency or your spirit may pop out of your body.

This isn’t a bad thing as people have out of body (OBE) experiences a lot. However, for the purpose of holding a frequency that will help Earth to ascend in her vibrational frequency and consciousness, we need to stay in the body and be grounded.

The importance of grounding is imperative because it keeps us in tune with the Earth and Source, and is one of the most important things we do on a daily basis.

Another thing that may have happened to you as you hit a high point of vibration is that negative entities were attracted to you like moths to a flame.

This is because the beings that feed off of our energy are beginning to starve as a collective because of the number of people waking up and cutting them out of their lives.

When they notice a glowing light bulb on their plane of existence, they think that they will be getting a buffet dinner. They gather around and wait for the dinner bell.

If you are not always on your toes, you may slip back into an old habit such as arguing, jealousy, alcohol, or drug use.

These behaviors and actions create a fissure in the auric field just big enough to allow one of these entities to plug the socket in to start feeding.

Slowly you begin to be drained again of your energy and your cells begin to vibrate a bit slower.

If this happened to you, the good news is that your consciousness was raised enough to understand what had happened, and many of you pulled out of this situation and went right back into a high vibrational state.

You also realized that the reason this happened to you is that you were vibrating so high that you were noticed.

Don’t have any fear about getting back to that state, because the higher you go, at one point you will become invisible to them.

This is a game of one step forward and two steps beck, but eventually you will get to the top of the stairs. Don’t be too hard on yourself for that backward step, it is a very normal part of learning and experience through a veiled illusion.

Another possibility is that while clearing out what is not of a high vibrational frequency, some hidden things of the past surfaced and you struggled with major changes on your life. Upheaval brought a bit of chaos until you were able to figure things out.

This was almost another dark night of the soul, but since you had already been there before you recognized that you simply needed to pay attention to what was coming up and deal with it like the warrior that you are.

Most of the times this upheaval can be interpreted as a vibrational roadblock, keeping you in a seemingly never ending “groundhog day”.

Then you may have had the rinse and repeat pattern. Some people who suffer form this have been labeled as “bipolar”.

This is when individuals have fluctuations from negative to positive and back, and whose vibrations fluctuate from low to high to low. These individuals are highly receptive to influences from outside electromagnetic, UV and audio frequencies.

You may have realized that you needed to move away from the person or situation that triggered you or the city that was bombarding you with low frequencies through towers and radio waves.

The important thing to realize is that running away will not keep the pattern from repeating. The energies need to be felt through the emotional body and let out in a way that does not harm others. Figuring out how to do this is simply a trial and error creation.

The “what to do next?” question can be answered by determining where you are in the stages of flux right now. The mastery of this incarnation is to learn how to balance the fluctuations of vibrations so that you do not have such extreme polarities.

You don’t want to pop out of your body unless you are trying to, and you don’t want another dark night of the soul. Now is the time to master learning how to control your reactions and thoughts much better each time you are triggered.

It’s also time to face your fears and stop running away from situation and people, but instead recognizing where the energy came from and transmuting it into a balanced state.

It is time now to harness the power of the earth, and the cosmos. The mind, body, and soul are keys to unlocking potential and finding the vibration and energy that is in tune with who you really are. The secret to life isn’t about continuing to “raising your vibe”.

That gets you to a place where you can discover your unique soul frequency and tune into it. Doing this will strengthen your connection with your higher self, your oversoul, and Source (all the same thing on the highest level). This is the advanced work that is to be done as you raise your vibrational frequency.

Everyone’s spirit rings a particular tone. Go within to hear or feel your tone and intend to bring more of that tone into your body. When you feel like you are singing your own song of love and harmony, share your tone with everyone and everything in your reality, and see how happy that makes you feel.

Finally, if you find yourself becoming bored and unhappy and have cut off everything that you used to do that was fun, it’s time to re-evaluate your life from a higher perspective.

I recently had a life coaching session with a 67 year old man whose life consisted of baseball, hunting, and hanging out in the woods. He found himself sitting alone, cut off from the world, wondering “what’s next”?

After asking him a few questions, I sensed that he had a really good handle on identifying what was harmful to him and he had worked very hard to eliminate these things.

We decided together that is was o.k. for him to re-introduce some of the things that he used to love to do, with a higher consciousness, awareness, and understanding. For example, he really missed baseball and he got really excited when I told him to turn the TV on to watch a few games!

He knows how to shield himself with crystals and will turn the volume down during commercials. He also will go back to sitting in his deer stand with his bow and arrow, which is when he was most happy in life.

Before he shoots a deer, he will telepathically commune with it and the Earth and ask for permission to take the deer’s life. He will also use all of the deer in one way or another that is not wasteful.

While this may be controversial for animal rights activists and vegetarians, this man had done nothing his whole life but spend time in the woods, hunt, and watch baseball, and when he quit doing these things he lost his friends and became a hermit and was on the verge of severe depression.

This man’s case is a lesson in tailoring your spiritual practice to your lifestyle. It shows that it is important to do what makes you happy in life while we shift from 3d through 4d and into 5d. Of course we will eliminate a lot of things when we shift out of this reality.

But for now, take a good look at what you have stripped away from your life and think about whether if it has left you barren. If you quit your banking job and you cannot keep food in the refrigerator, it may be time to take on a similar job until the banking system collapses.

An understanding of how to emotionally detach from the system will allow you to do this knowing that you will be happier with income for now. Some people just simply cannot work in the very industries that are corrupting our lives, while some may need to be infiltrators from the inside out.

Learn how to have balance in your life, and learn how to turn a negative situation into a positive one.  If you need to, do some things in moderation that may have been labeled as spiritual “no no’s” based on your intuition, soul path, and lifetime history.

The challenges may not end until we have returned to Source to sign up for another assignment. However, by integrating our higher self’s wisdom from our soul, we can learn how to play the game with a better understanding of how to be in this world but not of it.

Your intention to remove yourself from this reality will be the strong force to push like minded individuals over the edge into a new reality where these struggles will vanish.

For now, do the best you can and take the load of bricks off of your shoulders. Your going to get there one way or another, and right now you have to do what makes life easiest for you while you continue to climb the steps.

Your soul song frequency will get more and more refined for every brick you drop.

By Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach
