There is a great deal that is shifting and lifting your world and all life upon her into a completely new spectrum of universal awareness that is now calling all of you into the higher domains of your consciousness and into a new Golden Age of Freedom.
Jeshua & Mary Magdeline and Saint Germain & Lady Portia

Some of you may be inwardly sensing rather than outwardly seeing the many changes that are taking place within and around your world. Your ability to intuitively feel and hear that your world is shifting in beautifully profound and undeniable ways reveals your ever-keener abilities to listen to your Presence.
As you continue to move into a totally new spectrum of consciousness that you share with all of life, you will discover that old values and ways of listening are simply falling away. The more you move into these higher frequencies, your Divine listening abilities will continue to expand along with your intuitive inner knowing. This will be experienced as an increasingly cherished gift you have always had even when at times the world around you has appeared to be in chaos.
You knew that you had elected to experience the Earth’s outer structures breaking down and that you would be witnessing the last-gasp release of humanities fear-based ideas and actions. You knew that even as this was taking place, you would simultaneously be feeling a growing surge of Divine Love, Divine Peace and even Divine Joy breaking through and spreading throughout the consciousness of all life on Earth. You saw through the inner Eye and deep Heart of your Presence that there would be outer signs of collapse, whether of governments or economies or even parts of the Earth herself, yet as you prepared for this great adventure, your excitement became so powerful that you felt no trepidation at the thought of living on Earth during her last days in the third dimension. You could see and hear how the smoke would clear, and that all of the fraudulent, unjust systems would be dissolving.

There is no need to question whether you are strong enough to carry on or to continue breaking through the barriers of any inner or outer obstacles, because you have already proven that you are listening to your Presence and that you are coming to the moment of FULLY remembering who you are and more of why you are here. You came in knowing that your progress would be a powerful part of the energies you came to contribute toward the Ascension of Earth and humanity.
Each time you step forward on your own path, you contribute to a higher frequency throughout the planet as a whole. You came here to not only grow in the Light yourself, but in so doing, help to lift the frequencies of Earth and all her living creatures to a much higher level of consciousness. You listened to know that this was to be part of your soul’s journey, and you welcomed it with joy and anticipation, even knowing the constraints and confined outlooks that existed in the third dimension.
Yet notice, now things are changing. Instead of going to the weather report to tell you “what kind of day it will be,” you are waking instead and listening with your internal senses to determine what kind of day it will be. More and more when you want to know what is happening in the world, you are listening not to news reports but to the data that is coming through your own intuitive knowing.
The more deeply you listen to the Presence of all life, the greater part you will be playing in birthing the Earth into her rightful place within the Intergalactic Confederation of the peoples and cultures of your Universe. Her time of isolation and exile has come to a close and this is truly the most joyous time that you could have ever chosen to be living on Earth.

The more deeply you listen to the Presence of all life, the greater part you will be playing in birthing the Earth into her rightful place within the Intergalactic Confederation of the peoples and cultures of your Universe. Her time of isolation and exile has come to a close and this is truly the most joyous time that you could have ever chosen to be living on Earth.
Your capacity to listen to Spirit and to your Presence as your own personal emissary of Mother/Father God has brought you into this magnificent time of the world’s ascension. So rejoice, beloveds, and fear no more! Be the active participant you came to be in reclaiming your true inheritance as stewards during the time of your planet’s ascension. Realize that above all outer appearances, God is ~ and always has been ~ in command.
from Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
Through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School ©