4chan anon: FBI finds “It was a coordinated smear campaign between 3 major newspapers and a news network. DF is done.” Tuesday drop.

Source: Rumor Mill News | By MrFusion

Humongous if true. We shall see.



Anonymous ID:bDprM4ND Sun 30 Sep 2018 06:31:41No.187599310
Quoted By: >>187599350 >>187599434 >>187599594 >>187599634 >>187599896 >>187600625 >>187600846 >>187601947 >>187602699
only posting a single time.

Investigation will be over late Monday evening.
Corroborating evidence showing emails from a major news organization in order to defend itself once the FBI investigation was launched were turned over to the FBI to cover their ass.

>Report in order to cover themselves received information from a senator to push multiple stories but not all at once
>”We need these all spread out for maximum impact to delay his nomination and reclaim the seats needed to outlast the administration”
>reporter and news corp granted immunity for turning this over and protecting themselves once the investigation was officially launched they panicked and never expected the president to agree

Enjoy the shit storm. The allegations were staggered out to trigger public opinion calling for an FBI investigation when one was not needed because the senators receiving the allegations knew they were already faked/not credible. It was a coordinated smear campaign between 3 major newspapers and a news network.

DF is done.
Tuesday morning NEWS CYCLE is going to be glorious. The boss knows what he is doing.

A girl with a job putting her in the middle of this.