“The New Technologies Are Coming”
(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on February 21, 2016)

I am “Adama”. Wasn’t this a special gift you had today, was it not?
Planned but beyond knowing. We will tell you that it is but part; it is the new knowing of the technology that is coming to you.
This type of technology has its presence throughout the world. These types of technology are coming to you faster and faster now. This group will find many amazing things that can be done when you go home.
The technologies that you are seeing are old technologies. The technologies that you are hearing are exciting and things that we have enjoyed for a long time.
We want to say that this one who brought this today is an emissary. He is showing his gifts although he does not know exactly what they are. But that too will change as the near time come. We say that we are happy for you because this is another one of those things that is promised to you and which you have.
Thank you.
“One Who Serves”
Greetings to you.
You have a saying do you not? “There are no accidents”. Certainly that is the case here in this time and this moment and you have a new friend who has come on the scene here. He brings a technology that is ancient as “Adama” has said. It is certainly from the Lemurian times and the Atlantean times.
It has a frequency that it carries that is beyond most of your understanding at this time. But I t is the new technology. It is the new understandings that are coming. It will replace those frequencies that you have available to you now. We have been saying this to you, that the three dimensional devises you have in your understanding and realm will no longer work. These types of devices will replace them.
But this device particularly is making a transition here. It is transitioning those negative energies that you have now in those various devices and it will move those frequencies into higher frequencies to allow you to subsist with those devices you have now.
This is a transition, the next step. It is an evolution. Just as your bodies are evolving you are moving through an evolution. You are moving through a “quantum leap” in evolution and you are going to continue to have this leap here.
These particular devices that are coming out now and many more of these as it becomes easier to come out with these devices whereas before they could not. They would not have been allowed or held back in some way or in some way they would have been killed for their devices so they would not be brought out.
But that is all changing now. You are moving into a new process, a new time here where these will be released more and more and more. This is just the beginning here. There is so much more coming. There is so much more that is not yet begun to be released yet but it is coming.
You have heard of the replicators. You have heard of many various devices. Much of this comes from the Tesla Technology that has been in the past. It is being brought out now. It has been used by the secret government or the secret societies or things of that nature and they have been using these for some time. They did not want you to have them because if you had them, just as this one can cure diseases or protect you from having diseases, if they stayed in this vibration they could ward off this kind of thing.
We have said that you cannot have this in the higher vibration. We have been saying this and saying this. You, your bodies, are moving into a new vibration yourselves and this type of device will assist you in doing so.
That is our message here. Now for questions for “Ashira” who is standing by and ourselves.
Question: Was Nicolai Tesla killed?
He died of natural causes but he was moved into the direction of being ill in his later years because of, many ways, a broken heart. He was not allowed to bring into the world his inventions which he so much wanted to do. He was held back in many different respects, in many different ways. Does this answer your question?
Question: Do you have contact with Kathleen?(asked by the new member who brought the device to the group about the ancient one from Lemuria that gave the information to build the “crystal plate”)
We know of whom you speak. Not direct contact here but we certainly know of this one. She is ancient. She has been around for a very long time. She has come to you in that respect of what you have said and she is standing by, you might say! She is ready to assist in this process as it moves on. This is yours and her endeavor together.
Any other questions here?
Question: I feel that I am doing what I need to be doing but that I am not fulfilling a mission at this time. Can you help me understand?
Dear One, you are a man of action. Seeming that you do not have the opportunity to act at the moment seems to put a bit of slowness in your movement. We know this about you and we know that you are verbalizing something that many in this room, many on this call and many who read this feel too.
We know that you are moving forward in the consciousness and the thoughts that you have. We know that even though you feel as though you are in a low spot in the moment you can once again contribute to the greater whole. The greater, who at the moment is consciousness work, my friend. It is sending those good thoughts. It is sending those feelings of well-being onto the greater consciousness, the mass consciousness.
We know that is not the kind of action you are accustomed to seeing and accustomed to being but it is appropriate for the time. It is appropriate for the time, my friend.
So, bid yourself a little longer in this state. Not to be feeling depressed or feeling down at this time. Take the time to enjoy your loved ones. Take the time to do the work you are called to do. Take the time every moment to be in gratitude. That will be of assistance to you at this time.
“One Who Serves”
Please understand, Brother, you have so much to look forward too! All of you do. But what you are stating here is what many are feeling here at this time. They are feeling enough is enough! They are feeling enough is enough and they want to get on with it. They want to move ahead.
There are those who feel fine within the moment and we tell you always to be in the moment. Not to be focused on the future and what is going to be although that is to be glorious. But to focus in the moment, in the every now moment that you have. Because if you do not, you will miss the moment that you are in. You see?
So, be in that moment. Be who you are in the present time and allow for the different types of feelings to be there and don’t be too concerned if you are not finding your purpose or finding your way because you are. You are finding your way. You are all living your purpose in the NOW. You may not believe so but you are. Even in just being a member of this group and becoming aware and awakened in many respects and allowing us to offer guidance and training and all of this, to move you ahead in your Ascension Process.
All of this is important. All of this working with consciousness and group consciousness and city consciousness and country consciousness and world consciousness. You are doing all of these.
Do not be concerned that you are not doing enough. You are all you need to be. OK?
Comment: I wanted to share that if we are helping or loving one person that spreads around the world.
That is correct and very well said.
Question: I received that I was to open up to receive this past week so I was in a state of reception. I received the joy and energy and that might be helpful too.
“One Who Serves”
Yes. Always know that if you are feeling less than you would be at any moment, ask for help!
Ask for our guidance, our assistance. We are all there to help you. We are all there to help you in your times of need, whatever they might be.
Call out our name and we will be there
Question: I was struck by the member last week who went through a gateway. I was not going to call upon my guides and guardians. If I call on them, is it OK to then go through the gateway as I am drawn to it if I am protected?
“One Who Serves”
That is the optimum saying there. As long as one is protected. As long as you believe and feel that you have protection.
The gateway is there but it is not something to be trifled with. It is not something to go willy- nilly through into “never-never” land. Just allow yourself to experience whatever you need or want to go through but know that you have guidance and ask for it. And certainly, always have the light. Does this answer your question?
We are going to bring up again for you to read. It is the “Emerald Tablets’ by Thoth, the Atlantean. And it will be very beneficial to you, this talk of going through gateways and portals and what you need to be concerned about with this.
It is not something that you take lightly. It is NOT something to go and play with. OK?
Question: Does your spiritual maturity and frame of mine change your experience?
“One Who Serves”
Very much so. Take someone as yourself doing it and someone as the Cabal doing it and you can see the difference here. The one going through as the dark forces will need more of that.
Going through as Light, you will need more of that. Like attracts like. Vibration. We speak always of vibration, raising your vibration and the more you do the more easily you will move through these experiences. There are many of those types of experiences that are coming for all of you.
Question: I have been looking for a new home to move to and do not seem to be getting the guidance I am seeking. Can you help?
“One Who Serves”
OK. We will do what we have always done with you.
Know that you are on the right path as you are asking. But it is not only in the asking you are looking for something more profound to come to you. When it does not come, you believe you are not receiving. But you do not think you are receiving because of constant chatter in your mind which we have told you many times.
That chatter is very difficult turning off. You are receiving answers. You are receiving answers to your questions when you ask. You are receiving answers but you only feel you are getting the answer sometimes. Those times that you are, are moving you in the direction you need to go at this time.
But we would add to this here that it is certainly for you and for everyone here, go with the flow. Be in the flow of the moment. Be in the flow of the energy. You will be in the direction you need to be. “We can show you the door but you need to walk through it” (quote from the Matrix). It is there. Just open your third eye. You are not so good with your physical sense but open your third eye. This is why we bring it up.
Question: Is it true the more powerful we are the easier to manifest?
“Óne Who Serves”
The more powerful you are? Yes. Certainly. It is “believing is seeing”. Is it not? And the more you believe it the more you will create it. The more you create it the more you feel that power within you. The more this happens the more you will be able to create anything you need.
Question: Do you have a suggestion for those who have a thick covering over their third eye? Maybe some advice like for dummies.
“One Who Serves”
Oh, my Brother, we have to chuckle so much for the thing you say. “Open the Third Eye for Dummies”. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful book? Probably not ready for publishing yet.
Brother, we recall at one of the Advances that you had tremendous sight during that weekend. And it would seem that you are operating in that part of you that is much in that rational side. That side that want to see first before believing as opposed to believing is seeing.
We know that this is a heartfelt question from you. We can tell this. And as you have not experienced that experience from that weekend we would say that you and others you are helping along their path simply need to get in the habit if believing is seeing. Giving into the habit of thinking that, practicing that, creating that in your life.
There are others in this room, on the phone and probably many of those who are reading who have these similar challenges. Who have challenges in seeing in their third eye, in their brains what is to happen. And following through on things such as visualized meditation.
Know what? We would basically say you need practice. We know you don’t like this word but that is the word we are going to use today. Practice. Practice. Practice. That will make perfect. You need to have faith in yourself. Faith in your system because it works! Once you have this down, you will never lose it.
“One Who Serves”
Many of you come to the group to get re-charged and this is wonderful but then you go out into your regular work and you get pulled back down. We have been saying this for some time. You go back up and back down. Like a yo-yo here. It feels like you are not going anyplace here because the world is with you in so many ways. You continue to be held down by the 3D programming.
But, and this is a big but, you are moving through in raising your vibrations more frequently. This is important because the more you raise your vibrations, the more you get up into those higher levels, you will stay there longer and longer. And that is what is important.
You will begin to hear the new term brought up here. “Ascension Language”. We are so pleased that this came out here because it is a new understanding, a new “Ascension Language”. What does that do when you hear that? “Ascension Language”. Doesn’t it feel that you are in higher vibration just in those words?
Certainly “believing is seeing” is Ascension Language, is it not? Saying you are well instead of sick is Ascension Language. You see? All of this is going beyond the programming that you have become accustomed too.
The more that you get into the higher vibrations, the easier and easier it is for you to get back up there. And then stay longer yet. OK?
Question: I learned a new word, “heartricity”. I have a lot laying on my mind right now and would like some guidance around this. How this word may relate to my present circumstances of relating to my family and attempting to help them awaken as I am?
“One Who Serves”
We see so many things here. To start with your family, though your family connection and the idea that you are sharing the awakening you are going through and they are not responding to this. And we would ask those in the group, how many are having the same think happening? Yes, you are certainly not alone.
You have everything going for you. You do not yet realize it all the time. This is what we speak of. You go up into your higher vibrations during your meditations and you see wonderful things and then the world pulls you back down. All are having this same thing. It all continues until these changes we have been speaking of. This will alleviate much.
But again, it is important to be in the moment at all times. Be in gratitude in the moment and as you are in gratitude in the moment, your next moments will change. They will become what you want more and more. If you allow yourself to be pulled into the old doldrums, this is what will be coming forward. You see?
Bravo! Bravo! We are pleased that you are seeing these things in your life because you are releasing some of these. And as you heard the group support you with their challenge with their family you know are not alone. You can be the most spiritual person and still have these problems with friends and family.
And as far as the job that has been vexing you for weeks and weeks with this group’s conversations perhaps it is time now to look for something different. It is coming to a lot of people in the planet that it is time to leave an old job and find something new. Make something happy. Choose something different for yourself.
Know that we have shared with you in the past that it may not be the time to leave but we would say today, that this is an opportunity for you. An opportunity to let go of those thing which are vexing you. Let go.
You cannot do anything about your children. You can make changes in yourself. Make your life happier within your job. Take the time you need to do that. You will at the end of your week that you have for yourself a much better picture and that alone will bring you into a better space. Does that help?
Question: I have been seeing a lot of figure 8’s I believe having something to do with infinity. Can you tell me about them?
We are so pleased to have you in the group today.
This is a sign of a guide who is with you. We smiled as you spoke of infinity. This is one who is guiding you in the process that you are dealing with now. This is in your own spiritual growth as well as your healing. This is one who is strong with you at this time.
They will make themselves known to you in other ways too. They are visiting you in dreams and in meditations. So know that you take their light and know that they are visiting you.
“One Who Serves”
We need to release channel. Please continue on in your daily activities and allow for all the processes to happen within you. And continue to allow for the changes to come over you. And be aware of your ability to hold off any kind of illnesses or diseases or anything of this nature. As you move in to the higher nature, these things cannot get you.
But, as said by one earlier today, there are openings that can occur. And when these occur then energies can come in, of the dark energies, and they can have their way with you. So do not allow these vibrations by staying in those higher vibrations. Then there will be no openings here. But if there are, know that it cannot hold it for very long. You can move through it and not have it be of any significance. OK?
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
I am Ashira.
I wish to share with you this day all the changes that are occurring on this planet. That are occurring in you, in your lives, in the relationships that you hold, in the jobs that you have. All of these are changing.
For all of those of you who do not appreciate change in your life, you have wild rides coming. Be patient with yourselves. Look at your lives and look at those in your lives and you think, “What is happening here?”
But when you can look at these from the highest point, the highest frequency, take care of yourself. Be sure to come from the highest point of light and love that you can immerse yourself in at that moment.
We know that we speak of being grateful, of giving thanks throughout your days. And we know that there things in the 3D world that may not be enjoyable. That is not your life. Every day you call yourself to the highest good. Riding through those moments in life that are challenges and moving to the other side where it is light and love again.
Have an amazing week.
Our love and our light. Namaste.
Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco