Cloning lab of Middle Eastern type clones, the ones that invaded Europe
in the last 15 years, was destroyed with TNT
These armies of clones are all males 25 plus years old looking, no children, no women, no elders, no families. The facility was beneath the pyramid
and nearly
streams were used for cooling the atomic reactor, used in clones production. Now you won’t see them anymore in Europe, that’s it.
A new earthquake of magnitude 4.8 was recorded in the central part of Turkey. Tremors found 44 kilometers from the city of Kahramanmaras province

Indonesia earthquake of magnitude 5.5 hit the country.
This was reported by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center.
Asia type of clones lab was destroyed, all
South East Asia population are clones, the most early models were produced 150 years ago, the oldest Mongoloid type of
discovered by archeologists is the same, 150 years old. None other human remains
older than that were ever discovered on a huge area of Asia South East…