Q Anon / Brave New World

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Q post number 2450 reminds us of the BIG picture – the liberation of Earth’s humanity from slavery FOREVER.

Q post number 2450….

‘We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.

Light is information – the mass arrests will show the world the truth about the cabal’s heinous actions against humanity. And Light will literally come to Earth during the Event, when a flash from the Galactic Central Sun en-LIGHTENS everyone on Earth at the same time.

Q post number 2451 is a message from President Trump/Q+. It features a re-post of post number 2442 …

‘History is being made.
You are the saviors of mankind.
Nothing will stop what is coming.
That is followed by this message from President Trump/Q+…

‘Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr Trey Gowdy!
Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr Bob Goodlatte!
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.’

There is a Q proof in this post – President Trump often writes Country with a capital C in his tweets. Q has always said to TRUST GOWDY. It seems that Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte sacrificed their political careers to bring down the cabal. These are two fine World Patriots.

If you want the TRUTH about the election aftermath, check out Lisa Mei Crowley’s Twitter. She has a string of great tweets and re-tweets that tell the full story…https://twitter.com/LisaMei62.

The Alliance has taken the Senate (and Supreme Court). The military tribunals start in January, only weeks away. What must happen BEFORE the tribunals?? Mass arrests…and the Global Currency Reset.

Buckle up, dear friends, for the ride of your life!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)